Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 30, 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Fibroids Natural Cure - Finding Ways to Eliminate Fibroids Naturally
By Carolyn Anderson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure
Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Uterine fibroids, also known as myoma, are tumor that grows in the muscle layer of the uterus. Although these are non-cancerous, it can, at times, lead to painful and heavy menstruation and sometimes can cause painful sexual intercourse. Before you think about getting surgery to remove these growths in the uterus, take note that you can do something about it and there are fibroids natural cure to make them disappear naturally.

One of the first steps that can help you find fibroids natural cure is to learn about it. Although the cause may not be known, there are remedies that can help you overcome fibroids.

Although fibroids may not be detected in some women, others who have uterine fibroids may feel pain during menstruation and during sexual intercourse, but one of the most common sign of uterine fibroids is irregular or heavy bleeding.

The growth of fibroids in the uterus is commonly associated with hormonal imbalance and with this, there are also natural ways to correct and avoid this. If you are looking for fibroids natural cure, here are some ways that you might find useful in overcoming uterine fibroids.


Watching your diet can be one of the main things that you can alter or watch out as excess levels of the hormone estrogen can be controlled by what you eat. A good diet can indeed be a factor to help eliminate the and avoid the growth of fibroids.

Cut down on saturated fat and go for organic foods as much as possible. This will help you avoid pesticide residues in your vegetables as well. Do away with foods that are filled with additives, preservatives and those other chemicals in food. Instead, add more phytoestrogen in your diet - this can help reduce the production of excess estrogen as well. You can find this in chickpeas, linseeds, lintels, alfalfa and in fermented soy. Dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits also help a lot in dealing with fibroids.

Of course, you have to cut down on alcohol and caffeine as well.

Weight loss

Another potential problem that may contribute to the development of uterine fibroids is excess weight. If you are overweight or obese, you might likely have an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Your body fat can be a site of estrogen production thus, contributing to the imbalance that may also lead to the development of fibroids.

However, it is also important to take note that low-fat diets can also lead to hormonal imbalance, so it is advisable to take weight loss with caution.

Alternative means

Aside from these steps towards fibroids natural cure, there are also alternative means as well. Meditation and acupuncture are among the alternative practices that can help you out in eliminating fibroids. It is seen that emotions can also be a factor in the development of this disorder, thus dealing with them and overcoming them through meditation and other healthy practices can be a step towards overcoming it. Acupuncture, on the other hand, can help you deal with stress, which can aggravate the condition.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author, book reviewer and an avid reader. For a 7-step plan on eliminating fibroids naturally, check out Fibroid Cure. For other women concerns such as morning sickness, also check out how to End Morning Sickness.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure

Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 23, 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Natural Ways to Cure Fibroids
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure
Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Knowing just what to do when you have fibroids can be a confusing and, quite frankly, unsatisfactory process. You may have looked at your options, including natural ways to cure fibroids. If you visit your doctor, you are likely to be told that most cases of fibroids are completely harmless and although this is obviously good news, some women believe that it leads doctors to be less interested in their treatment.

This is not strictly the case. The truth is that conventional medicine has very little to offer fibroid sufferers as even surgery and drug treatment can only ever be temporary. This is because they do not, and cannot, eliminate the root causes-and this is the key to a permanent cure.

Fibroids are caused by a number of primary and secondary factors which subtly interact to spark off fibroid growth. The causes are unlikely to be exactly the same for two individuals and largely speaking, dealing with the root causes is down to the individual as many are down to lifestyle and dietary issues. Of course, there is more to it than just that and to use natural ways to cure fibroids, you need to be motivated and prepared to make a number of changes which some might find difficult and restrictive.

To be successful, it is essential to follow a treatment plan which eliminates all the causes of fibroids. Just dealing with one or two aspects may give you some temporary symptomatic relief but will not work permanently.

The following natural ways to cure fibroids can be used together for best results:-

* Liver detoxification
* Dietary modification
* Nutritional supplementation
* Cleansing protocols
* Exercise regimes
* Herbal treatment
* Stress management

If you would like further information on my recommended natural ways to cure fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure

Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 16 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Foods That Shrink Fibroids - Components of a Fibroid Diet
By Bernadette Hopkins

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Many women seek out alternative ways of treating fibroids rather than opting for surgery and one way that women can help themselves is by looking at foods that shrink fibroids. Although diet on its own will not get rid of fibroids, there is no doubt that diet is an extremely important part of your overall strategy should you wish to use natural treatments.
One of the most important principles to remember is that you should stick with the components of a general healthy diet-whether you have fibroids or not. However, there are specific elements you should both include and exclude to give yourself the best chance of seeing an improvement.
The first thing you should do is ensure that you are well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body and if you do not drink enough fluids, toxins will accumulate in the organs, and this is thought to be one of the various reasons why fibroids form. In addition, constipation can be a by-product of not drinking enough and this again causes the accumulation of waste products which can be reabsorbed into the body.
With regard to a fibroid diet, you should firstly ensure that you buy organic foods wherever possible. the bulk of your general diet should consist of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts and essential oils. Meats should form a small part of your diet and you should avoid eating any processed meats, such as sausages and salami, and fatty meats.
Fresh fruits are loaded with vitamins and bioflavanoids which are excellent for the body. Rather than concentrating on which fresh fruits you eat, it is important to understand, that they are all beneficial and to thoroughly wash the exterior of fruits and eat the skins where possible. Obviously some are better for you than others as they contain concentrated nutrients, such as kiwi fruits and blueberries but on the whole, a good balance of as wide a range of fruits is the best approach.
Other foods that shrink fibroids are vegetables. As with fruits, a balanced approach is best. Nutrients are generally higher when foods are in their raw state so get into the habit of eating a salad daily, made up of a "rainbow" of colored vegetables as in general, the brighter the color, the higher the nutrients. If you cook vegetables, ensure they are just lightly cooked-steaming is an excellent way to preserve water soluble nutrients. If you do cook them in water, try to use the water in gravies or sauces.
Onions and garlic deserve a special mention. They are both excellent sources of antioxidants and help keep your female hormones in balance. You should include them wherever possible, particularly in their raw form.
Eating the correct oils is also important for a fibroid diet. Olive oil and the Omega oils contained in oily fish are particularly useful for the body. Avoid saturated fats, including butters and those in cheeses.
With regard to meats, try to stick to fish and lean white meat such as chicken, choosing organic where possible. If you do eat red meats, stick to very lean cuts from a reputable source. It is also worth trying soya burgers and vegetarian "sausages" if you enjoy these types of foods.
Other foods that shrink fibroids include beans, nuts and seeds, the most beneficial being flax, pumpkin and sunflower.
It is important to understand that on their own, foods that shrink fibroids will not be as effective when the dietary element if thought of as just one part of an overall treatment strategy for fibroids. Not only is diet important, but you will need to make lifestyle changes if you want to see significant success.
Many thousands of women worldwide have succeeded by following the 7 Step Plan for Shrinking Fibroids. This is a comprehensive system which incorporates everything you need to do to both quickly relieve the symptoms of your fibroids and to successfully eliminate them altogether by using natural methods. If you would like further extensive information about a fibroid diet, please visit Foods That Shrink Fibroids

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 09 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Fibroids - Natural Healing Using Diet
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Fibroids natural healing is possible providing you are prepared to put in some effort. Indeed, natural treatments can work better than conventional methods, which only address the symptoms of fibroids and not the root cause. It is only by addressing the causes of fibroids that you have the potential for a permanent cure-and this can only be done using natural methods.

One good way to start is by modifying your diet. Very often, what you have eaten over the years has contributed to your fibroids and is often one of the primary cause. There are many facets to a robust diet to eliminate fibroids and it must be remembered that dietary modification is just one element of fibroids natural healing-albeit an important one.

The main principles of your diet should be as follows:-

* Eat unprocessed foods wherever possible
* Choose only organic produce
* Eat most of your food in its natural state
* Avoid all artificial additives and preservatives
* Include at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables each day
* Eat only small quantities of lean red meat, basing your diet on a largely vegetarian one
* Avoid dairy products
* Drink at least 2 liters of filtered water daily

Changing your diet to embrace the above principles can really help and is one of the most effective singular things you can do for your fibroids. However, to be really successful and to have actual shrinkage rather than just symptomatic relief, fibroids natural healing should also include lifestyle changes, dietary protocols, parasite cleansing, liver detoxification and stress relief techniques.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend for fibroids natural healing is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

July 03 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Curing Fibroids Naturally - 5 Steps to Get You Started
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

If you are considering using methods for curing fibroids naturally, there are a number of steps you can take to get you on the road to recovery. There is a distinct difference between conventional and natural treatments-conventional methods deal exclusively with managing just the symptoms of your fibroids with a tacit acknowledgment that they cannot "cure" the condition, whereas natural methods are concerned with eliminating the root cause, thereby shrinking the fibroids.

Fibroids grow in response to a number of primary and secondary causes and it is virtually impossible to determine just which factors are responsible in individual cases. It is the subtle blend of causes, coupled with your internal unique bodily systems which start off fibroid growth and it is only by eliminating each and every possible cause that you can be sure of being fibroid-free.

It is believed that the primary and secondary causes of fibroids happen as a result of the body being "out of balance" and it is only by restoring optimum health that you can begin to eliminate your fibroids. When your body is out of balance, it become susceptible to disease and conditions such as fibroids will manifest themselves. Contrary to popular belief, fibroids are not a disease caused by specific problems within your reproductive system, but fibroids are a common response to this general "imbalance".

You can start curing fibroids naturally by adopting the following 5 steps:-

* Eating a healthy diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding all foods with artificial additives, preservatives and pesticides
* Dietary supplementation in the form of a good all round multivitamin, essential oils and herbs which promote fibroid healing
* Detoxing, internal cleansing, liver cleansing
* Using probiotics and prebiotics, particularly if you suffer from Candida
* Getting plenty of sleep, exercise and managing stress

If you would like to see further information on how a natural treatment could be your best option, please visit Curing Fibroids Naturally. Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

The outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author. Imagine having an expert on hand 24 hours a day to answer your specific concerns and queries!

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author