Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Shrink Fibroids Naturally and Holistically
By Max Black

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus which can cause painful, heavy or irregular menstruation, painful sex, lower abdominal pain, bloating, and infertility. If you have been diagnosed with this condition and are looking to treat these tumors without resorting to surgery, you will be relieved to know that there are natural ways to shrink fibroids, dissolve them and prevent the growth of new ones.

To shrink fibroids naturally you will need to be committed and prepared to put in your personal efforts. Just like any conventional treatment, natural methods require willingness to follow the protocol.

One of the most powerful natural methods for treating fibroids is making dietary changes. This helps correct hormonal imbalances which are known to cause fibroids in the majority of women. Eating organically grown vegetables and fruits is critical for balancing hormone levels. Also, add more phytoestrogens from lentils, linseeds, and chickpeas. These foods act to help reduce excess estrogen in your system and restore hormonal balance.

To shrink fibroids naturally be sure to cut down on your intake of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine. Also, minimize foods high in saturated fats and any that contain chemicals or preservatives.

Estrogen-mimicking compounds can be found all around us and these environmental sources will cause hormonal imbalances. Stay way from food stored in soft plastic containers and cling-film. When cleaning, make sure to use eco-friendly products to avoid any estrogen-mimicking substances found in them.

Liver detoxification is also key in re-balancing estrogen levels. One of the most effective natural ways to shrink fibroids and even dissolve them is to follow a robust liver detox that includes herbs such as Dandelion and Milk Thistle Seed.

Treating uterine fibroids naturally is not only possible it is gaining more popularity since the only truly effective medical treatment is a complete hysterectomy.

Discover the world's only clinically proven natural method to shrink fibroids and prevent them from returning.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 22 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Shrink Fibroids Naturally Without Surgery - What Does Natural Fibroid Cure Involve?
By Joan Wilson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

There are plenty of treatment options for fibroids cure. The conventional treatment involves fibroids surgery like hysterectomy, myomectomy, cryosurgery and uterine artery embolization. There mere thought of surgery scares most of us particularly if we are aware of other options which are available to shrink fibroids naturally.

Nature cure for fibroids involves a multifaceted approach. The primary cause of fibroids in most women is estrogen dominance or excess estrogen in the system. Hence natural remedies for fibroids treatment concentrate on efforts to reduce estrogen dominance and combine it with appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to shrink fibroids naturally.

Enhanced estrogen levels in the body which is known to fuel the growth of fibroid tumors happens because of

a) having diet rich in saturated fats,
b) excessive alcohol and sugar consumption which tends to overload the liver
c) estrogen mimickers found in substances of common day use made of plastic

For natural fibroids treatment you must immediately switch over to a low fat diet which is rich in fiber. In case your body weight is in excess, you must make efforts to reduce. Exercise will ensure that you maintain your body weight and are physically fit. Emotional stress caused due to personal relationships or strained relations with your boss, co workers can also aggravate the growth of fibroid tumors. Meditation and visualization practices will relieve you of stress and keep you contended.

Another popular alternative therapy to shrink fibroids naturally is acupuncture. Aromatherapy is also used by many alternative medicine practitioners in fibroids treatment. It is very useful in assisting and supporting the reproductive organs. It basically helps to balance our hormones in a gentle manner.

If you are really serious about your natural fibroids treatment, it would be worthwhile for you to consult a qualified herbalist. In the current digital age you can also identify online herbal guides which will provide you step by step instructions to shrink fibroids naturally. I got relief from my fibroids by downloading an online guide developed by a qualified herbalist. This guide basically consists of a 7 step treatment method which comes with a complete guarantee.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Finroid Treatment

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

August 14 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Large Fibroids - Should You Be Panic If You Have Them?
By Evi Darmayanti

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Generally, when a woman has been diagnosed with the large fibroids, she may think that it is too late, why she has not noticed them earlier. It is true that they can potentially cause a problem in certain cases, but it is also known that most women have successfully managed to live fairly well although they have them. Some of them even are not aware of them. However, you need to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge.

Woman can develop fibroids around their uterus. Usually, these benign tumors are a combination of fibrous tissue and compacted muscle that begin to grow within the uterus walls or their outside area. Approximately, 30% of women from the age of 30 or older have a tendency to have these irregular growths.

Normally, the existence of uterine fibroids is not a great cause for concern, as they are not malignant, contagious, or fatal. Some of them are only as small as a single pea, while others can grow as large as a melon. Someone who develops large fibroids sometimes becomes alarmed about the size of these growths. This is particularly true if they are also pregnant at the same time.

As fibroids are not particularly dangerous, large ones will invariably pose no problems unless the symptoms that accompany them, such as abdominal pain, constipation, frequent urination, back pain, and heavy vaginal bleeding, are so severe that prevent someone from having a normal life.

Doctors may recommend that unusually large fibroids to be removed if they are found to be larger than the fetus in a 12-week pregnancy. A fibroid that has the size of a grapefruit may cause complications like a miscarriage, and even premature delivery. In cases such as these, a pregnant woman may have to undergo surgical fibroid removal, or myomectomy.

Someone who has large fibroid, but who has no plans of having a baby may opt for a hysterectomy if she is unduly bothered and impeded by fibroid symptoms. In some very rare cases, unusually large uterine fibroid tumors may be a sign of an underlying malignancy, or leiomyosarcoma. When the doctor diagnoses cancerous cells from a microscopic analysis of the fibroid, then removal will be necessary.

If you want to shrink your fibroids, but you prefer to do it naturally, then this systemic enzyme therapy seems to work with fibroids condition. Some people have been success to shrink fibroids with this approach. Find out more.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 06 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Green Tea - A Possible Treatment For Uterine Fibroids?
By Irene Test

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

The only known treatment so far for uterine fibroids has been a hysterectomy. But what if other procedures were able to help shrink them over time? One recent study shows that green tea extract might be a possible treatment for this condition. As uterine fibroids affect nearly 40 percent of reproductive-age women, they're a common problem with an invasive solution. Green tea, on the hand, seems like a go-to solution for a medical study: It's been studied for its cancer and high blood pressure-reducing properties, as well as its effect on weight loss patients. As extract or tea in high amounts have had an effect in reducing susceptibility to cancer, why not try it with a condition that is more common than most types of cancer?
From information in a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, the extract can kill human leiomyoma cells in tissue cultures of uterine fibroids. The extract of green tea also has the ability to eradicate fibroid lesions in lab animals. In test tube studies done on both mice and rodent cells treated with epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG), the fibroid tissue slowed and grew smaller from the amount of EGCG.
In one study, 20 mice were injected with fibroid cells. Out of that amount, ten were given EGCG in their water, while the other ten were given ordinary water. The mice were observed for eight weeks and, by week four, the fibroid growths on the mice were smaller. Isolating the rodent fibroid cells in a test tube, those treated with EGCG grew slower and were smaller after 48 to 72 hours.
What does this mean to those suffering from uterine fibroids? At the moment, green tea extract may be a possibility for future uterine fibroid treatments, but, at the moment, it's still in the early stages of experimentation.
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Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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