Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 16 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Symptoms of Fibroids and Bleeding
By Cynthia S.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Regular visits to your doctor are important for the detection of certain asymptomatic health conditions. An example of such condition is fibroids. These are actually tumor-like growths in the uterus which are actually benign or non-cancerous. Since it is normal for a woman to feel nothing, doctors usually look for symptoms of fibroids and bleeding is considered to be a major sign.
Fibroid Symptoms
Presence of uterine myomas, as mentioned earlier, do not exhibit symptoms. But in some cases, a woman with fibroids experiences the following:
Menorrhagia or heavy and irregular vaginal bleeding with blood clots
Sensation of a full bladder, which makes you urinate more often. Rarely, you will have difficulty urinating.
Constipation as a result of pressure on your rectum
Lower abdominal pain or pelvic pressure
Increased waist line
Infertility or difficulty getting and staying pregnant
Presence of a pelvic mass Diagnosing Fibroids
Sometimes, these other symptoms of fibroids and bleeding are actually indicative of another disease. For this reason, it is important that you undergo testing to confirm fibroids. Among the tests that your doctor will order include:
Pap smear - to rule out malignancies
Pelvic exam - to check for physical changes in your uterus as well as bleeding
Pregnancy test - to check if the bleeding is actually caused by fetal implantation or other pregnancy-related conditions such as sub-chorionic hemorrhage.
Ultrasound - to determine presence of tumors and pinpoint their location. This is the preferred diagnostic technique today since the tumors can be seen clearly; allowing the doctor to measure it and identify which parts of the uterus is involved.
MRI - to rule out sarcomas. This imaging technique is preferred if there are sudden changes with the fibroids in terms of growth that will lead your doctor to suspect cancer. Treatment options are explored if any of the symptoms mentioned earlier has progressed to an unmanageable level.
Fortunately, there are alternative methods to decreasing the size of fibroids. Find out how to shrink your fibroids by up to 86%.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cynthia_S.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 07 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Fibroids & Fertility - Which Type of Fibroids Affect Fertility Most?
By Joan Wilson Platinum Quality Author

Fibroids are benign tumors which develop in our uterus. Depending upon where these tumors are located it can affect your fertility and your attempts to shrink fibroids naturally. Fibroids can occur on the outside, middle muscle of the uterus, or on the inside of the uterus. Fertility is mostly affected by the tumors which grow on the inside of the uterus. To some extent fibroids on the middle of the uterine muscles can also hamper fertility.

Fibroids & Fertility- How do fibroids hinder fertility?

Fibroids often interrupt the fertilized egg which usually embeds itself in the uterine lining. Hence if you have been diagnosed with fibroids it is best to make efforts to shrink fibroids naturally before trying to conceive. Thus you will be confident that fibroids cannot interfere with your getting pregnant. Natural remedies for fibroid cure are one of the best ways to get rid of it permanently.

Natural Remedies for fibroid cure

Natural treatment for fibroids cure makes use of changes in lifestyle, diet and physical exercise routine to get rid of the tumors. In the modern age excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, or poor dietary habits often overload our liver. Liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing estrogen in the body. Excess estrogen is one of the known causes of fibroids in women. Hence as our liver gets overloaded toxins build up and excess hormones do not get expelled from our body. This creates an ideal environment for growth and development of fibroids.

To ensure that your liver functions optimally liver detoxification is recommended for women suffering from fibroids. There are some herbal supplements and specific food for fibroid cure which also improve the liver functioning. Some of these are

1. Artichoke: is very useful to invigorate cells in the liver and refresh them

2. Lecithin: This supplement has a B-vitamin known as choline which ensures that fats do not get deposited in the liver and hinder its functioning..

3. Beans and greens: This is the most simplest of natural remedies for fibroid cure. Ensure that you consume plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables like Spinach and Kale. Include at least one serving of beans like pinto or lima beans every day.

And lastly to shrink fibroids naturally it is necessary to flush out all harmful toxins from the body. For this you must drink 2-3 liters of water every day. You can also include fresh fruit and vegetable juices in your daily intake for fibroid cure. Trust me fibroids & fertility can be handled all by yourself provided you are willing to devote your personal time and efforts to treat the uterine tumors.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Finroid Treatment

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Wilson

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Shrink Fibroids Naturally and Holistically
By Max Black

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus which can cause painful, heavy or irregular menstruation, painful sex, lower abdominal pain, bloating, and infertility. If you have been diagnosed with this condition and are looking to treat these tumors without resorting to surgery, you will be relieved to know that there are natural ways to shrink fibroids, dissolve them and prevent the growth of new ones.

To shrink fibroids naturally you will need to be committed and prepared to put in your personal efforts. Just like any conventional treatment, natural methods require willingness to follow the protocol.

One of the most powerful natural methods for treating fibroids is making dietary changes. This helps correct hormonal imbalances which are known to cause fibroids in the majority of women. Eating organically grown vegetables and fruits is critical for balancing hormone levels. Also, add more phytoestrogens from lentils, linseeds, and chickpeas. These foods act to help reduce excess estrogen in your system and restore hormonal balance.

To shrink fibroids naturally be sure to cut down on your intake of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine. Also, minimize foods high in saturated fats and any that contain chemicals or preservatives.

Estrogen-mimicking compounds can be found all around us and these environmental sources will cause hormonal imbalances. Stay way from food stored in soft plastic containers and cling-film. When cleaning, make sure to use eco-friendly products to avoid any estrogen-mimicking substances found in them.

Liver detoxification is also key in re-balancing estrogen levels. One of the most effective natural ways to shrink fibroids and even dissolve them is to follow a robust liver detox that includes herbs such as Dandelion and Milk Thistle Seed.

Treating uterine fibroids naturally is not only possible it is gaining more popularity since the only truly effective medical treatment is a complete hysterectomy.

Discover the world's only clinically proven natural method to shrink fibroids and prevent them from returning.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Black

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 22 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Shrink Fibroids Naturally Without Surgery - What Does Natural Fibroid Cure Involve?
By Joan Wilson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

There are plenty of treatment options for fibroids cure. The conventional treatment involves fibroids surgery like hysterectomy, myomectomy, cryosurgery and uterine artery embolization. There mere thought of surgery scares most of us particularly if we are aware of other options which are available to shrink fibroids naturally.

Nature cure for fibroids involves a multifaceted approach. The primary cause of fibroids in most women is estrogen dominance or excess estrogen in the system. Hence natural remedies for fibroids treatment concentrate on efforts to reduce estrogen dominance and combine it with appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to shrink fibroids naturally.

Enhanced estrogen levels in the body which is known to fuel the growth of fibroid tumors happens because of

a) having diet rich in saturated fats,
b) excessive alcohol and sugar consumption which tends to overload the liver
c) estrogen mimickers found in substances of common day use made of plastic

For natural fibroids treatment you must immediately switch over to a low fat diet which is rich in fiber. In case your body weight is in excess, you must make efforts to reduce. Exercise will ensure that you maintain your body weight and are physically fit. Emotional stress caused due to personal relationships or strained relations with your boss, co workers can also aggravate the growth of fibroid tumors. Meditation and visualization practices will relieve you of stress and keep you contended.

Another popular alternative therapy to shrink fibroids naturally is acupuncture. Aromatherapy is also used by many alternative medicine practitioners in fibroids treatment. It is very useful in assisting and supporting the reproductive organs. It basically helps to balance our hormones in a gentle manner.

If you are really serious about your natural fibroids treatment, it would be worthwhile for you to consult a qualified herbalist. In the current digital age you can also identify online herbal guides which will provide you step by step instructions to shrink fibroids naturally. I got relief from my fibroids by downloading an online guide developed by a qualified herbalist. This guide basically consists of a 7 step treatment method which comes with a complete guarantee.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Finroid Treatment

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Back To Home

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Wilson

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 14 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Large Fibroids - Should You Be Panic If You Have Them?
By Evi Darmayanti

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Generally, when a woman has been diagnosed with the large fibroids, she may think that it is too late, why she has not noticed them earlier. It is true that they can potentially cause a problem in certain cases, but it is also known that most women have successfully managed to live fairly well although they have them. Some of them even are not aware of them. However, you need to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge.

Woman can develop fibroids around their uterus. Usually, these benign tumors are a combination of fibrous tissue and compacted muscle that begin to grow within the uterus walls or their outside area. Approximately, 30% of women from the age of 30 or older have a tendency to have these irregular growths.

Normally, the existence of uterine fibroids is not a great cause for concern, as they are not malignant, contagious, or fatal. Some of them are only as small as a single pea, while others can grow as large as a melon. Someone who develops large fibroids sometimes becomes alarmed about the size of these growths. This is particularly true if they are also pregnant at the same time.

As fibroids are not particularly dangerous, large ones will invariably pose no problems unless the symptoms that accompany them, such as abdominal pain, constipation, frequent urination, back pain, and heavy vaginal bleeding, are so severe that prevent someone from having a normal life.

Doctors may recommend that unusually large fibroids to be removed if they are found to be larger than the fetus in a 12-week pregnancy. A fibroid that has the size of a grapefruit may cause complications like a miscarriage, and even premature delivery. In cases such as these, a pregnant woman may have to undergo surgical fibroid removal, or myomectomy.

Someone who has large fibroid, but who has no plans of having a baby may opt for a hysterectomy if she is unduly bothered and impeded by fibroid symptoms. In some very rare cases, unusually large uterine fibroid tumors may be a sign of an underlying malignancy, or leiomyosarcoma. When the doctor diagnoses cancerous cells from a microscopic analysis of the fibroid, then removal will be necessary.

If you want to shrink your fibroids, but you prefer to do it naturally, then this systemic enzyme therapy seems to work with fibroids condition. Some people have been success to shrink fibroids with this approach. Find out more.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evi_Darmayanti

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 06 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Green Tea - A Possible Treatment For Uterine Fibroids?
By Irene Test

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

The only known treatment so far for uterine fibroids has been a hysterectomy. But what if other procedures were able to help shrink them over time? One recent study shows that green tea extract might be a possible treatment for this condition. As uterine fibroids affect nearly 40 percent of reproductive-age women, they're a common problem with an invasive solution. Green tea, on the hand, seems like a go-to solution for a medical study: It's been studied for its cancer and high blood pressure-reducing properties, as well as its effect on weight loss patients. As extract or tea in high amounts have had an effect in reducing susceptibility to cancer, why not try it with a condition that is more common than most types of cancer?
From information in a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, the extract can kill human leiomyoma cells in tissue cultures of uterine fibroids. The extract of green tea also has the ability to eradicate fibroid lesions in lab animals. In test tube studies done on both mice and rodent cells treated with epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG), the fibroid tissue slowed and grew smaller from the amount of EGCG.
In one study, 20 mice were injected with fibroid cells. Out of that amount, ten were given EGCG in their water, while the other ten were given ordinary water. The mice were observed for eight weeks and, by week four, the fibroid growths on the mice were smaller. Isolating the rodent fibroid cells in a test tube, those treated with EGCG grew slower and were smaller after 48 to 72 hours.
What does this mean to those suffering from uterine fibroids? At the moment, green tea extract may be a possibility for future uterine fibroid treatments, but, at the moment, it's still in the early stages of experimentation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irene_Test

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 30, 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Fibroids Natural Cure - Finding Ways to Eliminate Fibroids Naturally
By Carolyn Anderson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure
Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Uterine fibroids, also known as myoma, are tumor that grows in the muscle layer of the uterus. Although these are non-cancerous, it can, at times, lead to painful and heavy menstruation and sometimes can cause painful sexual intercourse. Before you think about getting surgery to remove these growths in the uterus, take note that you can do something about it and there are fibroids natural cure to make them disappear naturally.

One of the first steps that can help you find fibroids natural cure is to learn about it. Although the cause may not be known, there are remedies that can help you overcome fibroids.

Although fibroids may not be detected in some women, others who have uterine fibroids may feel pain during menstruation and during sexual intercourse, but one of the most common sign of uterine fibroids is irregular or heavy bleeding.

The growth of fibroids in the uterus is commonly associated with hormonal imbalance and with this, there are also natural ways to correct and avoid this. If you are looking for fibroids natural cure, here are some ways that you might find useful in overcoming uterine fibroids.


Watching your diet can be one of the main things that you can alter or watch out as excess levels of the hormone estrogen can be controlled by what you eat. A good diet can indeed be a factor to help eliminate the and avoid the growth of fibroids.

Cut down on saturated fat and go for organic foods as much as possible. This will help you avoid pesticide residues in your vegetables as well. Do away with foods that are filled with additives, preservatives and those other chemicals in food. Instead, add more phytoestrogen in your diet - this can help reduce the production of excess estrogen as well. You can find this in chickpeas, linseeds, lintels, alfalfa and in fermented soy. Dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits also help a lot in dealing with fibroids.

Of course, you have to cut down on alcohol and caffeine as well.

Weight loss

Another potential problem that may contribute to the development of uterine fibroids is excess weight. If you are overweight or obese, you might likely have an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Your body fat can be a site of estrogen production thus, contributing to the imbalance that may also lead to the development of fibroids.

However, it is also important to take note that low-fat diets can also lead to hormonal imbalance, so it is advisable to take weight loss with caution.

Alternative means

Aside from these steps towards fibroids natural cure, there are also alternative means as well. Meditation and acupuncture are among the alternative practices that can help you out in eliminating fibroids. It is seen that emotions can also be a factor in the development of this disorder, thus dealing with them and overcoming them through meditation and other healthy practices can be a step towards overcoming it. Acupuncture, on the other hand, can help you deal with stress, which can aggravate the condition.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author, book reviewer and an avid reader. For a 7-step plan on eliminating fibroids naturally, check out Fibroid Cure. For other women concerns such as morning sickness, also check out how to End Morning Sickness.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure

Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 23, 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Natural Ways to Cure Fibroids
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure
Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Knowing just what to do when you have fibroids can be a confusing and, quite frankly, unsatisfactory process. You may have looked at your options, including natural ways to cure fibroids. If you visit your doctor, you are likely to be told that most cases of fibroids are completely harmless and although this is obviously good news, some women believe that it leads doctors to be less interested in their treatment.

This is not strictly the case. The truth is that conventional medicine has very little to offer fibroid sufferers as even surgery and drug treatment can only ever be temporary. This is because they do not, and cannot, eliminate the root causes-and this is the key to a permanent cure.

Fibroids are caused by a number of primary and secondary factors which subtly interact to spark off fibroid growth. The causes are unlikely to be exactly the same for two individuals and largely speaking, dealing with the root causes is down to the individual as many are down to lifestyle and dietary issues. Of course, there is more to it than just that and to use natural ways to cure fibroids, you need to be motivated and prepared to make a number of changes which some might find difficult and restrictive.

To be successful, it is essential to follow a treatment plan which eliminates all the causes of fibroids. Just dealing with one or two aspects may give you some temporary symptomatic relief but will not work permanently.

The following natural ways to cure fibroids can be used together for best results:-

* Liver detoxification
* Dietary modification
* Nutritional supplementation
* Cleansing protocols
* Exercise regimes
* Herbal treatment
* Stress management

If you would like further information on my recommended natural ways to cure fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure

Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 16 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Foods That Shrink Fibroids - Components of a Fibroid Diet
By Bernadette Hopkins

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Many women seek out alternative ways of treating fibroids rather than opting for surgery and one way that women can help themselves is by looking at foods that shrink fibroids. Although diet on its own will not get rid of fibroids, there is no doubt that diet is an extremely important part of your overall strategy should you wish to use natural treatments.
One of the most important principles to remember is that you should stick with the components of a general healthy diet-whether you have fibroids or not. However, there are specific elements you should both include and exclude to give yourself the best chance of seeing an improvement.
The first thing you should do is ensure that you are well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body and if you do not drink enough fluids, toxins will accumulate in the organs, and this is thought to be one of the various reasons why fibroids form. In addition, constipation can be a by-product of not drinking enough and this again causes the accumulation of waste products which can be reabsorbed into the body.
With regard to a fibroid diet, you should firstly ensure that you buy organic foods wherever possible. the bulk of your general diet should consist of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts and essential oils. Meats should form a small part of your diet and you should avoid eating any processed meats, such as sausages and salami, and fatty meats.
Fresh fruits are loaded with vitamins and bioflavanoids which are excellent for the body. Rather than concentrating on which fresh fruits you eat, it is important to understand, that they are all beneficial and to thoroughly wash the exterior of fruits and eat the skins where possible. Obviously some are better for you than others as they contain concentrated nutrients, such as kiwi fruits and blueberries but on the whole, a good balance of as wide a range of fruits is the best approach.
Other foods that shrink fibroids are vegetables. As with fruits, a balanced approach is best. Nutrients are generally higher when foods are in their raw state so get into the habit of eating a salad daily, made up of a "rainbow" of colored vegetables as in general, the brighter the color, the higher the nutrients. If you cook vegetables, ensure they are just lightly cooked-steaming is an excellent way to preserve water soluble nutrients. If you do cook them in water, try to use the water in gravies or sauces.
Onions and garlic deserve a special mention. They are both excellent sources of antioxidants and help keep your female hormones in balance. You should include them wherever possible, particularly in their raw form.
Eating the correct oils is also important for a fibroid diet. Olive oil and the Omega oils contained in oily fish are particularly useful for the body. Avoid saturated fats, including butters and those in cheeses.
With regard to meats, try to stick to fish and lean white meat such as chicken, choosing organic where possible. If you do eat red meats, stick to very lean cuts from a reputable source. It is also worth trying soya burgers and vegetarian "sausages" if you enjoy these types of foods.
Other foods that shrink fibroids include beans, nuts and seeds, the most beneficial being flax, pumpkin and sunflower.
It is important to understand that on their own, foods that shrink fibroids will not be as effective when the dietary element if thought of as just one part of an overall treatment strategy for fibroids. Not only is diet important, but you will need to make lifestyle changes if you want to see significant success.
Many thousands of women worldwide have succeeded by following the 7 Step Plan for Shrinking Fibroids. This is a comprehensive system which incorporates everything you need to do to both quickly relieve the symptoms of your fibroids and to successfully eliminate them altogether by using natural methods. If you would like further extensive information about a fibroid diet, please visit Foods That Shrink Fibroids

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 09 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Fibroids - Natural Healing Using Diet
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Fibroids natural healing is possible providing you are prepared to put in some effort. Indeed, natural treatments can work better than conventional methods, which only address the symptoms of fibroids and not the root cause. It is only by addressing the causes of fibroids that you have the potential for a permanent cure-and this can only be done using natural methods.

One good way to start is by modifying your diet. Very often, what you have eaten over the years has contributed to your fibroids and is often one of the primary cause. There are many facets to a robust diet to eliminate fibroids and it must be remembered that dietary modification is just one element of fibroids natural healing-albeit an important one.

The main principles of your diet should be as follows:-

* Eat unprocessed foods wherever possible
* Choose only organic produce
* Eat most of your food in its natural state
* Avoid all artificial additives and preservatives
* Include at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables each day
* Eat only small quantities of lean red meat, basing your diet on a largely vegetarian one
* Avoid dairy products
* Drink at least 2 liters of filtered water daily

Changing your diet to embrace the above principles can really help and is one of the most effective singular things you can do for your fibroids. However, to be really successful and to have actual shrinkage rather than just symptomatic relief, fibroids natural healing should also include lifestyle changes, dietary protocols, parasite cleansing, liver detoxification and stress relief techniques.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend for fibroids natural healing is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

July 03 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Curing Fibroids Naturally - 5 Steps to Get You Started
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

If you are considering using methods for curing fibroids naturally, there are a number of steps you can take to get you on the road to recovery. There is a distinct difference between conventional and natural treatments-conventional methods deal exclusively with managing just the symptoms of your fibroids with a tacit acknowledgment that they cannot "cure" the condition, whereas natural methods are concerned with eliminating the root cause, thereby shrinking the fibroids.

Fibroids grow in response to a number of primary and secondary causes and it is virtually impossible to determine just which factors are responsible in individual cases. It is the subtle blend of causes, coupled with your internal unique bodily systems which start off fibroid growth and it is only by eliminating each and every possible cause that you can be sure of being fibroid-free.

It is believed that the primary and secondary causes of fibroids happen as a result of the body being "out of balance" and it is only by restoring optimum health that you can begin to eliminate your fibroids. When your body is out of balance, it become susceptible to disease and conditions such as fibroids will manifest themselves. Contrary to popular belief, fibroids are not a disease caused by specific problems within your reproductive system, but fibroids are a common response to this general "imbalance".

You can start curing fibroids naturally by adopting the following 5 steps:-

* Eating a healthy diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding all foods with artificial additives, preservatives and pesticides
* Dietary supplementation in the form of a good all round multivitamin, essential oils and herbs which promote fibroid healing
* Detoxing, internal cleansing, liver cleansing
* Using probiotics and prebiotics, particularly if you suffer from Candida
* Getting plenty of sleep, exercise and managing stress

If you would like to see further information on how a natural treatment could be your best option, please visit Curing Fibroids Naturally. Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

The outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author. Imagine having an expert on hand 24 hours a day to answer your specific concerns and queries!

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27 - 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

How to Treat Fibroids Naturally - Alternatives to Fibroid Surgery
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

If you have been considering surgery to deal with your fibroids, you may want to think about different options before you make the decision to go ahead. Learning how to treat fibroids naturally is an excellent alternative and when used correctly, can mean that you are free of your fibroids for good.

One thing you should be very clear about before embarking on any treatment is that conventional options, such as surgery and hormonal treatments are not permanent solutions. They do not treat the root cause of fibroids and only offer relief from your symptoms. Fibroids can grow again following painful and expensive surgery as the cause has not been addressed.

There is a distinct connection between diet, stress and lifestyle and the growth of fibroids. Indeed, there are many known primary and secondary causes of fibroids and it is virtually impossible to identify the factors responsible for growth in each woman. What we do know is that it is a subtle mix of factors which interact with our unique body make-up, causing fibroid growth in certain women. The very fact that we simply cannot tell which factors are responsible is the reason why a multifaceted approach is the only way to deal with the issue permanently.

If you would like to know how to treat fibroids naturally, the following elements are all essential parts of successful treatment:-

* Hormonal balancing
* Food and diet
* Controlling stress
* Elimination of toxins
* Internal cleansing
* Links between yeast/acid/alkaline balance
* Probiotic/prebiotic use

As you can see from the above list, it is not as simple as just tackling one issue, such as your diet. Although one-dimensional treatments may help give you some short-term symptomatic relief, they cannot provide a cure as they do not eliminate the root causes. Your fibroids did not grow overnight and treating fibroids naturally will require you to be motivated and take control of your own treatment.

If you would like to see further information on a natural treatment which incorporates all the above elements, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids. Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids. Although the system in itself is outstanding, I believe that the real value comes in the 3 months free one-to-one email support. The author will go above and beyond to help you in your personal quest to teach you how to treat fibroids naturally.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21 2010 All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

How to Treat Fibroids Abdominal Pain Naturally
By Gail Atkinson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

If you would like to know how to treat fibroids abdominal pain naturally, there are a number of steps you can take to get relief. Fibroids really can play havoc with our menstrual flow and cause excruciating pain when the uterus tries to contract to try to expel the fibroid. For some women, the pain can be similar to those felt in labor and can be particularly disabling, causing missed days off work and ruined family time.

Fibroids abdominal pain can be felt at any time during the menstrual cycle, particularly if your fibroids are large or pressing on other internal organs or nerves. Most women, however, notice that the pain is much worse around the time of their periods.

Around a third of women with fibroids will report pain as one of the symptoms of their fibroids. Really, there is no need to live with constant pain although many women are conditioned to do so by their doctors who report that there is little they can do, other than arrange for surgery or drug/hormonal treatment, neither of which are permanent solutions.

To treat fibroids abdominal pain naturally, try the following measures:-

* Lie on your side and pull your knees up to your chest

* Use heat therapy-a warm bath, hot water bottle or heat pad are all good

* Take ibuprofin to help with heavy bleeding and inflammation

* Research has shown that eating grains, almonds, artichokes and kale can help treat pain

You may wish to consider a permanent solution to your fibroids. Abdominal pain, heavy bleeding and bloating can all be put firmly in the past if you are willing to take charge of your own healing and use a multifaceted approach which eliminates each and every cause of fibroids.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

If you would like to see further information on how to treat fibroids abdominal pain naturally and eliminate them completely, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.

The truly outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author. This virtually guarantees your success!

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

By Jim Duffy Platinum Quality Author

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the uterine wall and are the main reason for hysterectomies in the United States. Hysterectomies are performed more often for fibroids than for all of the gynecologic cancers combined. It is estimated that 80% of women have these growths but only about a quarter of them have growths that are large enough to see or feel. These growths can cause a number of conditions that can range from annoying to very painful including: heavy menstrual bleeding, (heavy enough to lead to anemia, low red blood cell count) pain or pressure in the pelvis, pain during sexual intercourse and can cause complications in pregnancy (Levine, 2010).

There are few real risk factors for uterine fibroids but includes a family history of having them. There is also a larger risk of uterine fibroids in African American women than in other ethnicities. Birth control pills or having had a child decreases the risk of fibroid tumors. Treatment options include hysterectomy for the more serious cases but there are other, less serious options that can be used as well.

Birth control pills or other types of hormonal medications can be used to relieve some of the bleeding symptoms but they cannot change the size of the fibroid itself. Other drug options may change both the size of the tumor and the symptoms that it can produce. In women who would like to try to have a child, there are surgeries that can be done to remove the fibroid; however it does not stop the chance of them returning in the near future. A new treatment, using a specialized ultrasound is available but it is new and takes nearly three hours to complete.

While there are no known reasons or risk factors for uterine fibroid tumors, it is important to make sure that you are at the healthiest you can be so that your entire body is healthy. You must also ensure that you have good gynecologic health as well. Experts recommend that you exercise regularly, quit smoking, achieve and maintain a healthy weight and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Foods to Avoid

Fibroids are fed by estrogen, so any foods that may contain synthetic estrogen should be avoided as much as possible. These foods include: red meat, poultry, dairy products and eggs. After eliminating these foods for a period of around three months or so, you can start adding them back, if you opt for organic, hormone free items. An expert who specializes in the treatment of uterine fibroids also tells his patients to avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes, as well as refined sugar and white flour. These all stress the body, especially the liver and may increase the frequency, size and amount of uterine fibroid growth.

The Foods to Add

The same expert, who suggests eating organic and hormone free foods, also encourages his patients to eat extra fiber and soy or soy products. Fiber is one of the best ways to help the liver process and then to eliminate any excess estrogen in the body. Good high fiber food choices include whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits. Soy, the only complete, non animal protein, comes in many forms including soy milk, tofu and miso. Soy protein powder is a good choice to add to the diet and has heart healthy benefits as well. Soy has natural estrogens (phytoestrogens) but they are far weaker than synthetic estrogens so they typically do not cause any damage to the body. They also can bind to receptor sites so that other types of estrogen are not able to do any damage.

Balanced Diet

All diets should have the right balance of necessary calories that give the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Every healthy diet should start with carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins. A good diet should get 50% of calories from carbs, 30% from protein and 20% from fats. For weight loss the numbers for proteins and fats can be changed slightly - increasing protein to 35% and dropping fats down to 15%. However, the American Heart Association's recommendation is that the level of protein should not be any higher than that. The higher level of protein can help with weight loss because it increases the feeling of satiety but does not change the hormones associated with hunger.

Proteins - Our bodies use proteins for every single cell and for every function. If we do not have the right kind or amount on protein in our diet, the body will continually seek more and more food until the right level is reached, regardless of the extra calories that we are consuming. Protein, whether it comes from the food that we eat or the supplements that we add to our diet, comes from two sources: animals and plants. All animal products are complete because they supply all eight essential amino acids that the body cannot create on its own. Plant proteins, with the exception of soy, are incomplete proteins because they lack one or more the essential amino acids. Grain, nuts and seeds are typically low in the amino acids, isoleucine and lysine while legumes do not have enough tryptophan and methionine.

Women with uterine fibroid tumors are warned against the most common animal proteins because of the hormones that are fed to the animals, at least for a few months. Until women can resume eating organic, hormone free animal proteins, they can get their protein from other sources including cold water fish. Salmon is a good choice for animal protein.

The body is getting adequate protein intake, even in a vegetarian or vegan diet as long as there is plenty of variety to make sure that the foods are making up for each other's shortcomings. The average diet gets between 13-15 % of calories from protein, the average vegan diet supplies between 10-12%

Protein supplements are a beneficial way to make sure that you are getting enough of the protein of your choice and can often serve as a meal replacement for those who are trying to safely reduce overall calories. (A protein shake averages about 180-220 calories, the average lunch can be as high as 400) without letting calorie count get too low.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at http://www.protica.com

Copyright - Protica Research - http://www.protica.com

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Friday, June 11, 2010

All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

One of the most common symptoms of fibroids is an increase in menstrual flow and bleeding between periods. In general, fibroids and heavy periods do go hand in hand and there are various reasons why this is the case.

* Fibroids can sometimes cause blockages, leading to a build up of blood which seems heavier when eventually released

* Congestion within the uterus can cause a change in the pattern of blood flow in and out of the uterus

* An increase in the number of blood vessels, meaning a greater flow of blood through the uterus

* Fibroids themselves can sometimes bleed

If you notice that your periods are longer than 5-7 days and there is more bleeding than normal, you should visit your doctor for a diagnosis, ensuring that she checks for fibroids.

What Can I Do About Fibroids And Heavy Periods?

Excessive bleeding can leave a woman severely anemic and i. Fortunately, there are a number of steps which can really help:-

* Take supplements of Vitamins A, C and E. Also, take Folic Acid and Vitamin B12

* Try an anti-inflammatory tablet, such as Ibuprofen

* Lie with your legs elevated

* Avoid using tampons as these can cause cramping

* Use heat therapy to improve blood flow

* Take regular exercise

Although you may feel resigned that fibroids and heavy periods go together, the steps above will really help give you some symptomatic relief. However, there is no doubt that the best thing you can do is to consider how to get rid of your fibroids and the associated heavy bleeding altogether.

If you are prepared to make a number of significant lifestyle and dietary changes, you may be able to shrink your fibroids completely. However, this will only work if you are the type of person who is prepared to take charge of your own treatment and really persevere.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the guaranteed system I recommend is groundbreaking and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you and put fibroids and heavy periods firmly in the past.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

Sunday, June 6, 2010

All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids Naturally
By Gail Atkinson

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine. Platinum Quality Author

What we eat has a huge impact on our overall wellbeing and our diet is heavily implicated in the formation and subsequent growth of fibroids. Below I will share with you 7 foods for shrinking fibroids naturally.

What you must understand is that although important, our diet is not the only factor in fibroid formation. Indeed, it is the subtle interaction of a number of other situations and conditions such as our lifestyles, levels of exercise, the amount of estrogen in our bodies, toxicity levels, exercise levels and hereditary factors which all have an influence.

Certain foods will make the condition much worse, whereas others can help to calm down the inflammation and help stem heavy bleeding. Others can help ease cramping pains and contribute to cleansing the body.

7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids Naturally

1. Fruits

In general, fruits are excellent cleansers and are packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They are easily digestible and contain sterols, which are anti-inflammatory. You should not eat too many though due to the natural sugars in fruits and particularly if you are prone to yeast infections.

2. Sprouts (Sprouting beans, not the green leafy variety!)

Sprouts are a true Superfood. They are excellent cleansers and loaded with vitamins. Try sprouting your own to maintain tip-top freshness. Good beans to sprout include Alfafa, Barely, Buckwheat and Watercress

3. Non-Starchy Vegetables

There is no limit to the amount you can safely eat and non-starchy vegetables contain high levels of sterols and phytoestrogens. They are naturally loaded with vitamins. Green pepper, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower are all good examples.

4. Whole Rice

To get the benefit, you should ensure that you only eat wholegrain rice. You can make it easier to digest by soaking in cold water overnight and cooking slowly for a long period.

5. Raw Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, pine, sunflower, Brazil nuts are all excellent sources of fatty acids, valuable nutrients and minerals. They are also a great source of easily digestible protein.

6. Garlic

Garlic is a good blood cleanser and a great natural antibiotic, antimicrobial and antiseptic. It needs to be eaten chopped or crushed for your body to get the full benefit.

7. Water

Plain old water is a great addition to the "7 foods for shrinking fibroids naturally" list Even though it's not strictly a "food" it would be wrong to leave it out. Water will generally speed up the healing process and you can add certain herbs and other ingredients to intensify the cleansing effect. In terms of fibroids, water helps to detox, hydrate, cleanse and eliminate waste.

In addition to these 7 foods for shrinking fibroids, there are other foods which have great healing, cleansing and soothing properties for fibroids.

If you would like to see details of a completely natural fibroid treatment which incorporates dietary modification as a fibroid shrinking aid, please visit Shrinking Fibroids.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

In addition to the 7 foods for shrinking fibroids (above), there are numerous pages of detailed dietary advice and the outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids Pelvic Pain - Techniques to Relieve the Discomfort
By Gail Atkinson

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Uterine fibroids pelvic pain can be almost as severe as labor pains and it is only when you have suffered from the condition yourself that you can really understand just how excruciating the pain can be. It's not surprising when you consider that the presence of fibroids in the uterus can cause contractions as the uterus tries to expel the foreign body.
Very often the pain can be so debilitating that it can leave a woman unable to function normally during her period, causing missed working days and periods of genuine disability.
Although normally worse during the menstrual period, uterine fibroids pelvic pain can be felt at any time during the monthly cycle with almost a third of fibroid sufferers reporting mild to severe pain caused directly by the condition.
Try the following suggestions to alleviate the pelvic pain caused by uterine fibroids:-
* Lie on your side and bend your knees, pulling them up to your chest as far as possible. Some women also find that lying on their backs with their knees bent, supported with a pillow can help
* Use heat therapy-a warm bath, hot water bottle or heat pad can be useful to help relieve congestion in the pelvic area
* Some women find that the anti-inflammatory, Ibuprofin, can help calm down some of the inflammation, thus taking the edge off the pain
The best way to manage uterine fibroids pelvic pain is to use a system which shrinks your fibroids altogether, thus removing all associated symptoms including pain, heavy bleeding, bloating, back pain, urinary problems, constipation, hemorrhoids and pregnancy disorders.
If you would like to see further information on how using a natural treatment could transform your life, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.
Written by a medical researcher and former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you not only to quickly eliminate uterine fibroids pelvic pain but to shrink your fibroids for good.
The outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months one-to-one free email support offered by the author.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help
People Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

Friday, May 28, 2010

All About _Woman _Health Articles - Fibroids

Supplements For Fibroids
By Gail Atkinson

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

If you are considering taking supplements for fibroids, this is a wise step. Sadly, even the healthiest of diets cannot always provide us with the necessary nutrients which our bodies need to promote shrinkage of fibroids and healing.
Although your diet is a crucial and integral part of any system for managing fibroids, it is essential that you understand that it is only one part of any successful system to reduce your fibroids. Your fibroids did not grow because of just one factor but as a result of the subtle interaction of various elements. It therefore follows that treatment to shrink fibroids must use a multifaceted approach which includes altering your diet, detoxing, internal cleansing, stress management and exercise modification.
Much of the foods we eat are processed in one way or another. The fabrication and modification even of natural foods can deplete the nutritional content, destroying fragile nutrients. In addition, the use of pesticides, transportation and longer storage techniques can all have a negative impact.
The following supplements for fibroids have been shown to be helpful as part of an overall system to shrink fibroids:
* Essential Fatty Acids * Coconut Oil * A Multivitamin Supplement (hypoallergenic) * B Group of Vitamins * N-Acetyl Cystine * Chaste Tree Extract * Vitamins C and E * Milk Thistle * Dandelion Root
When taken daily as an integral part of a holistic system, many women find that supplements for fibroids quickly help them feel revitalized and a much healthier and happier person altogether. However, to get the full effect, the other protocols must also be followed.
If you would like to see further detailed information on the use of supplements for fibroids, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.
Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.
The outstanding feature of this comprehensive system is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

Recommended Reading
Stop Fibroids
The Most Powerful & Unique Guide To Help People
Cure Their Uterine Fibroids Using Holistic Medicine.

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